Sunday, 30 September 2007

Holiday Reading

I could never contemplate leaving for a holiday without having a book to accompany me. However the day before we left I was struggeling to find something worthy of my attention in my local Book chain. Having browsed the new releases, my favourite authors, crime and sci-fi I was reduced to wandering from A to Z of authors by name... A rather desperate endeavour until The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall caught my eye. Great title and a rather interesting cover in a world where you can usually tell a books genre from it's cover.

Now my regular reader will know that I can be given to over enthusiasm but please believe me when I say this is the best thriller I've read in a long time. It's a breath of fresh air for thrillers like The Matrix was for movies. It's probably best approached completely fresh so I wont be mentioning anything about the plot suffice to say it's maybe a Moby Dick for our day. It's very well written. The pacing of the plot is good. It's not a collection of set pieces. It doesn't lag in the middle. The characters are well developed. Most importantly it makes you think with out being to obtuse or clever clever for it's own good. It also does things as interesting with the written page as The Matrix did on screen with it's bullet time and wire battles.

Thorougly recommended. I'll be watching Steven Halls future work (this is his debut novel) with interest.


Saturday, 29 September 2007

Finishing the Fight VAT Free

So I've been to Portugal for a five day mini break.

One of the trials of living in the Isle of Man is that most foreign holidays require two flights. A short hop to a proper airport and then a flight to the country of destination.

For once this resulted in an upside when I had four hours to kill in Gatwicks departure lounge and picked up Halo 3 (along with season two of 24, the new Foo Fighters album and the new James Blunt album (I know what your thinking but I wont apologise for liking him) for £34.

Anyway whilst I'm posting this super exciting newsflash I had time to think whilst lazing by the pool and I've decided that Bob's Big Blog will now be expanded to include my other entertainment choices. The reasons for this are two fold. Firstly I've decided that my current method of sharing my entertainment experiences on the interweb are being wasted and I'd be better served posting them here and secondly I'd like to post a bit more without spreading my gaming experiences to thin.

So hopefully no one minds and I'll get on with expanding the blog as I go. I might even include the odd exciting event in my life. I just don't have the energy to run two blogs. So Bob's Big Blog is getting a little BIGGER.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Way of Nariko

Another decent session on Heavenly Sword today.

First things first, I'm not getting tired of how awesomely pretty it is. I'd have to say having played a fair few 360 games this is the prettiest next gen game yet. I can't quite tell whether the cut scenes are in game or rendered it's that pretty all the way through.

As for the gameplay it's a totally linear experience. There's little exploration and only the occasional light puzzle.. It's pretty much fight, move to new area fight again. But somehow despite this the quality of the fighting and the quality of the production keeps it very exciting.

Even the boss battles (Normally a bug bear of mine) are good. A few to many QTE's for my liking but at least there not totally annoying.

The only slightly annoying sections are some of the Kai sections which go on for a little long in some instances.. Having said that I've only had to repeat the two longest sections for a second time as with a bit of practice and knowing what's coming makes it easier.

The story moves along nicely as well. It cuts between the two main characters at exciting cliff hanging moments.

It may be short and linear but it's a great experience so far.

Friday, 21 September 2007

The "Complete" List

Canis Canem Edit
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Tiger Woods PGA 07 (career completed)
Call of Duty 2 (regular)
Double Dragon
Resistance: Fall of Man
Loco Roco (All Stages Cleared)
Colin McRae DiRT (Career completed)
Forza Motorsport 2 (Career & Arcade 100% complete)
Medal of Honour: Airbourne (Casual)

So I add another game to this years "Done and Dusted"

I'll say a few words about Medal of Honour: Airbourne here. Pretty short at just six levels. The last two ramp up the difficutly (even on casual) to try and disguise this. I'm not sure how this managed an EDGE 7. For the first time I feel a little let down by one of their reviews. It's distinctly average and should of got a 5. It's completely run of the mill. Not devoid of enjoyment but so average it hurts.. I'm not going to list all it's short comings but here's a few.

1. No physics or even moveable objects. Everything's nailed to the floor.
2. Stupid game design. One mission involves destroying some half tracks. Prior to this we've destroyed several tanks using either rocket launcher or special grenades. So naturally we waste a few rockets and grenades trying to get a hit in... Nothing leaves a scratch. It turns out for these armoured truck type vehicles you just have to run past it. The gunner in the turret can't turn so you're now safe. Pull out the standard machine gune. Shoot the gunner. Half track destroyed. Now leaving aside the FUCKING GUNNER can't turn a single degree where's the sense in rockets not doing the job? nevermind whose driving the bloody thing?
3. The worst enemy in the game is a kind of darth vader Nazi with a chaingun. Does the rocket take him? Don't be silly.
4. The "skill drops" need to be found to unlock a couple of achievements. There doesn't seem to be any actual reward for landing on one. You can find them on foot.
5. The most annoying thing is the checkpoint system. Now bearing in mind you can drop into a pretty free form part of the level I can see this could present a problem. But let me give you an example from one level. Your tasked with destroying 4 or 5 AA turrets around a the top level of a circular turret. Now I managed to destroy the first 2 or 3 on my first attempt. Each time getting a checkpoint. Then I died. No problem. Apart from the fact that whislt the AA guns are still destroyed the very same soldiers I'd just killed are now guarding destroyed AA guns.. Meaning I have to fucking do the whole section again... only without having to plant any explosives until I get the last AA gun.. At which point all the remaining soldiers for that section mysteriously dissappear, Pad smashingly frustrating.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Enter Nariko!

As my regular reader (hi PH) will know Heavenly Sword arrived yesterday. Time to give it a spin and post my thoughts a la 'Currently Playing'.

First off I had to download and install an update for the PS3. These seem to be coming thick and fast and to be honest I don't seem to notice much difference but hey ho.

The game installs itself.. presumably saving some stuff to the HDD. You don't get a choice it just does it. Then onto the game itself.

Now first things first on my Bravia 32" HD telly it looks pretty jaw dropping.. Having recently played a bit of GoW2 it's a massive step forward both for cut scenes and in game. As you'd expect I suppose but still it would be the title I'd show to a friend that I wanted to impress with the shiny £400 paper weight under the telly.. Not that I'd be shallow enough to do that of course.

Anyway I know most of you will have played the demo so I'll try to keep to my observations and leave out any spoilers.

Apart from the pretty awesome visuals the voice acting is pretty good to. The cut scenes are dramatic (at least the first time) and give a good sense of atmosphere and I soon started feeling an attatchment to Nariko. Although the hair is a bit snake like. Only when Andy Serkis turns up and can't seem to say his words fast enough to go and bank his cheque does it dissappoint slightly.

As for the combat it's pretty cool so far. Moves and combos come together nicely and the three stances are introduced nicely (I found the demo a bit confusing) and I was soon linking range and power moves into my arsenal. Doing nothing to block feels a bit un natural but I have terrible timing anyway and could never master L1 for blocks on Prince of Persia anyway so it's all good.

After a bit of getting used to I started to enjoy the sixaxis 'bullet time effect' to for firing projectiles. Once fired you can hold down the Square button to zoom in Prince of Thieves style and gentle moves of the pad (which helps you not feel like a total dick) help you hit the target.

Chapter one ends having taught you the basics and let you unleash the Heavenly Sword itself.

So overall a very positive reaction. I'm liking it. If this is the first wave of pre-launch exclusives the PS3 is going to be seeing a lot more action.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Heavenly Sword times two

So I went to see Bourne Ultimatum today. Great film. I give it *****. Action movie of the year. Just pipping Die Hard 4.0. Anyway in the trailers was an advert for Heavenly Sword. Imagine my excitement arriving home to find it had arrived in a little padded jiffy bag from Play. Ok. Not that exciting a coincidence but still... Expect some 'Currently Playing' style action soon.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Two To Watch?

Just been watching some GamerTV thing on Sky.

Not a great show (it actually reminded me of the DVD you used to get with PSW ) but a couple of titles stood out for me as ones to look out for.

Firstly a very quick look at some in game footage of Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare. The player was basically helicoptered onto the, now almost cliched, container ship. Having said that with the boat rocking and dynamic lighting and shadows moving as the boat rocked and the rain pouring down it did look very impressive.

Secondly Skate, EAs new erm.. Skateing game, also looked impressive. As with their Tiger Woods titles swing system the trick system has been changed from button pressing to dynamic right stick movement. I've never played a Tony Hawks game or ever seen the appeal but I might be tempted with this.. Sounds like it might be time to download the demo...

Saturday, 15 September 2007

O.k. I may have got slightly over excited last night.. It turns out I could've got Heavenly Sword of £34.99 in Woolies today...

Friday, 14 September 2007

My Love For You Is Like A Truck

Just completed act one of Gears of War on insane difficulty on co-op.. It's a different game and really brings out the heat of battle.

A couple of achievements that I'm very proud of.

Here are today's thoughts

1. The Stranglehold TV advert.... Not 'Representative of game footage' which is how most game ad's are subtitled these days just 'Not Game Footage'. You can draw your own conclusions.. Oh and I liked the way at the end of the advert instead of showing the box art they show the covers of OPM and OXM. So it's pig ugly but it got good review scores in the 'officials'? where's my wallet.

2. Just bought Heavenly Sword from Play for 32 pounds. Got to be worth a punt at that price. I'll probably get £28 for it when I trade it in

3. Last, and most worrying, MGS4, will according to OPM have a moral.... Nevermind my guitar.. my sixaxis is gently weeping.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Not much gamage action to report today.

However Ultimate Ghosts N' Goblins arrived today.

Man it's tough.

Live Arcade 12th September

This weeks Arcade release will be Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Not a bad game as I remember and at 400 points not a fortune but am I the only one fed up with all the ports of old games? Now Sonic still stands up as a reasonably fun game to play but my god some of the stuff they've been releasing recently is just bobbins.

Come on guys more Space Giraffe, less Streets of Rage.

Oh and pretty please can we have Sensible Soccer and Speedball 2 sometime before I die?

Monday, 10 September 2007

Medal of Honour: Airbourne

Yesterday I decided to trade in Ninja Gaiden: Sigma for £28 at Game which I thought was actually a decent price considering they where selling it last week for £29.99 as deal of the week. It turned out that it wasn't my sort of game really. I don't like to be forced to read a manual. It's lazy development.

I purchased Medal of Honour: Airbourne. I haven't played a MoI game since the first PS2 game, although I have done a couple of tours of duty in WWII with Call of Duty.

The USP is obviously the parachuting. The 'In plane' cut scene get's a bit boring after the first one but the actual parachuting bit is cool. It obviously helps you select where in the level you start and whether you start somewhere recently safe (indiciated by green flares) or somewhere less safe but nearer the objectives.

It's got a neat leaning system (similar to the one in F.E.A.R. but more useful) when you're looking down the sight of a gun so that you can lean out of cover and then flick back into recharge your health (similar to Resistance: Fall of Man with four segments. A segment will recharge when your not being hit but you need a health pack to replace more segments).

Even on casual I'm finding it something of a challenge with the enemy often coming from many directions. It also has a poor collision detection. Anyway it can't have been that tough cos I managed to get through the first three missions last night.

Oh and damn EA and their shitty servers.. I couldn't get it to connect to a multiplayer game for love or money.

Currently Listening: Kanye West - Graduation

Friday, 7 September 2007


Ok so I've totally turned into a PH style word play-meister...

Anyway I've been playing Colin McRae DiRT for a while now and steadily working my way through the various game modes.. I've owned every Colin game since the original but this is the first one I've really drawn every drop of gaming blood from.. Mainly for the achievements. I know they're shallow and indeed worthless but somehow in my quest to get as many as I can it doesn't matter.. Own all the cars? sure I'll do that. Drive 500 miles? no problemo.. Drive a clean event on Live? Due to the fact that you have to finish within 30 seconds of the leader that's a bit tougher.. Win an event? Priceless.

Tonight, after much trying (there are some people who really need to get out more) I eventually won a Live event.. A sweet feeling in itself.. But so much sweeter when accompanied by the little green boxy thing flashing up to tell you you've been awarded 20 gamer points.. or is that just me?

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Change for a tenor?

So not strictly game related but R.I.P. Pavarotti.

I spilt tea on my keyboard and now my Q and Tab key are sticky.

Played some more Bioshock and I feel I'm near the end.. There's almost to much too it. I thought I'd combed every inch on my way round but I'm going to finish it short of a whole heap of achievements.. there's RPG elements and I'm still loving the graphical style but I probably should've admitted my casual status and started on easy.. why more games don't let you change the difficulty on the fly I'll never know.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

multi-format release... PS3 bringing up the rear?

I read this on a 360 magazine forum I visit today

Tiger Woods 08 has now been added to a seemingly ever increasing list of Ps3 games, which are not being released at the same time as there 360 counterparts.

I ask what the hell are Sony playing at, they expect people to fork out all that money and they can't even get the games out on time.
Along with the news that Alone in the Dark will be released later on PS3...

Now as I'm pretty much 360 exclusive for multi-format releases it's not a big deal but it's probably not great for Sony...

The question is why?

Todays random musings...

Firstly I read a preview in Official Playstation Magazine about Assassin's Creed and they dropped such obvious hints about the 'twist' that it pretty much gave it away.. and suffice to say what a load of rubbish that sounds. It's like when I used to write storys at school and couldn't think of an ending... 'and then I woke up and it was all a dream..'

Secondly played a fairly long session of Bioshock today. It's a very good FPA. I made a lot of progress and the twist was revealed. I wont give anything away but there was quite a nasty section where control of your character was taken away and someone was blugdened to death while you helplessly watched your actions. Not nice.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

This months EDGE

I did consider a flashy 'PH' style 'EDGE of reason' play on words style title..

Please consider this blog akin to the TESCO VALUE range of goods... It's cheap and if your expectations are as low as the artwork bill for the design of the packaging then you wont be dissappointed by the watery baked beans contained with in for 9p.

Anyway on to this months EDGE and more importantly the feature on SUPER MARIO GALAXY. Now I've been subscribing to this publication for many moons now and I'm getting increasingly annoyed with their pro Nintendo stance.. This feature reads like an advertising promo. The only negative they can seem to find is that Nintendo can't top the innovation of SUPER MARIO 64...I mean please... get a room already.

Monday, 3 September 2007


This could be the worlds most boring game based blog. There will probably be no game based breaking news and very likely no pretty pictures or hyper links.

I'll just be telling you what I've been playing and how it's progressing.

Thanks for reading!