Wednesday, 29 April 2009

First Look: Manhunt 2

It's been a while since I played Manhunt and although I got a long way in I never finished it.. It got brutally difficult and of course Rockstar hate checkpoints.

The first thing you notice about Manhunt 2 (apart from the completely useless manual) is that graphically it looks almost exactly the same.. The art style evokes the first game perfectly. The second thing you'll notice is that they've made the characters huge. Which I don't think is the best thing for a stealth based game as it limits your awareness. Combine this with a lack of being able to move the camera and your almost entirely limited to the radar.. It's a lot less instinctive than the first game.

Of course the next thing you're made aware of is the gruesome 'stealth kills'. Again it's similar to the first game, Pick an item such as a piece of broken glass, sneak up on an enemy and then press the 'attack' button for as long as you dare to perfrom a kill. The longer you hold the button the more brutal the attack. Things are complicated on the Wii by then having to perform a series of moves with both the Nunchuck and Wii to do the actual kill (you simply watched an animation in the first game). All well and good but get it wrong and you alert the enemy and your soon over powered. Get it right and the actual kill gets soaked in a blood red filter so you can't really see anyway. It feels more brutal but it's a less rewarding mechanism both gameplay wise and visually. You need to know that the risk of the kill is going to be rewarded by one less guard.. Not a potential restart.

Checkpoints are (so far anyway) frequent but it seems impossible to skip cut scenes.. Annoying when you're trying something for the fifth or sixth time. So far a mixed bag..

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

The "Complete" List

Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge
Quantum of Solace
House of the Dead: Overkill - Story & Directors Cut
Fable 2 - Story Mode
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot - (Liquid Easy)
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Saints Row

Not much to add to what I wrote yesterday.. I was only a couple of main missions and a little string of missions to end off (Sort of like the Ultor ones from the sequel) and only one of those was tough. Surprisingly I managed to keep my temper and several attempts saw steady progress until I was able to complete it.

So far that's two games a month finished on average so far which is pretty good going for me.

Monday, 27 April 2009

360 Health Check

Well I wasn't expecting to have too update this anytime soon having bought a brand new HDMI enabled 360 Arcade just 3 months ago..

I've even put this latest one in a place where it will get more ventilation (it's basically next to the Sky box which now was the PS3 on top of it so it's got at least six inches of space at the top and huge amounts of space to the back and rear. The HDD unit sits flush with the PS3/Sky box tower but I can't see any cooling vents there anyway).

Last night I played for about two hours then switched it off for an hour while I watch 24. Switched it on at the unit only to find it Red Rind (Bottom left, Bottom right and top right (not sure what that means). Anyway switched it off and switched it on via the pad and it was fine. Fine again this morning.

I do find it disgusting that M$ have basically done nothing to remedy this known fault so far down the line.. They claim to have sold so many units.. I've had four and I know I'm not alone.

Credit Crunching!

And it had all been going so well.. One used copy of Just Cause, one used copy of Saints Row. A total of just over £16 spent...

Went to HMV today (I thought I might be able too pick up a second hand copy of either Resi 5 or Killzone 2) when I spied Manhunt 2 for £14 in the Wii second hand pile! I'm not expecting much from it but I really enjoyed the first game and so I thought I'd have bash...

Only to discover a brand new copy in the sale for £10.. Now I'm not a man to spend an extra £4 on principal. Besides I think a tenner for a new game is in keeping with the spirit of the challenge if not the actual rules.

Currently Playing: Saints Row

Regular readers will remember how much I enjoyed last years Saints Row 2. I managed to pick up the original game for £8 on eBay which, with the DLC for the sequel weighing in at 800 Microsoft points, I thought provided good value for money.

So what's it like? Well if Just Cause had been made by people who'd only heard about GTA then Saints Row has been made by people who've played GTA III to death. Then tried to make it less annoying in places.

It's obviously very similar to the second game. Graphically it looks almost identical although the city of Stillwater is less refined. In fact that's pretty much the mantra for the earlier game as you'd maybe expect. There's no motorbikes or planes to fly. There's no cruise control, Almost unforgivably you can't configure the triggers on the pad for accelerate and brake, You can still create your own wanna be gangster but you can't be a female.

Most annoyingly for me there's no mid mission check points either. You can still carry up to four items of food and your health recharges if you can stay out of the action for a bit but die anyway during one of the more complex missions and it's back to the beginning. It's a step above GTA though. You get the option to start the mission again in exactly the same shape as you did originally. You get all your ammo and guns back, Any AI hommies you'd picked up and vehicles are all put back as they where. No annoying trips to the hospital to or reloading which at least keeps frustration to a minimum.

Overall then another enjoyable romp.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

The "Complete" List

Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge
Quantum of Solace
House of the Dead: Overkill - Story & Directors Cut
Fable 2 - Story Mode
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot - (Liquid Easy)
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

My First Wario Ware experience. It's mostly a lot of fun. I couldn't for the life of me manage 'The Waiter' where you rest the Wii-mote on your flat palm and attempt to balance a broom.. Just wouldn't work. But other than that it's great. There's a great juxtaposition between the zen like way the various ways you'll wield the Wii-mote is explained and the bright primary coloured micro games. I'm looking forward to having a go on the multi-player now I've unlocked it.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!

My game playing marathon has been slightly side tracked by a Two and a half Men marathon on Comedy Central.

Anyway enjoy the chocolate and the holiday season!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

First Look: Just Cause

The credit crunching continues! Despite holding out for the whole of March without buying a game I decided that for April I'd try not to buy anything new. As I have most of the Easter weekend off I picked this up for £7.50 in Game.

First impressions aren't great. You can't move about the menu without using the d-pad. Every time you load or save you have to select the hard drive. The graphics aren't great either. The huge island looks great but the characters and vehicles are poor and there's far more pop up and texture pop in than you'd expect.

It's also just too big and the scale of the mini map too small making it hard to judge where things are and pretty much a trudge to travel anywhere.. Even in a helicopter. When you get your grapple gun it makes things a little easier but not by much. End falling down a valley into a lake and you can wait ages for a boat to appear. It's very sparse out side of the towns.

Basically you end up calling for 'extraction' most of the time which takes you straight to you safe house and straight to get a story mission. Meaning that despite the fact that the world is properly huge you'll hardly see any of it unless you're interested in doing the side missions and collecting packages.

The driving is rubbish too because most of the roads are too narrow meaning you keep having constant collisions. It's like some one described GTA to the developer and they've tried to make an over the top clone without actually playing it too see where the magic really is.

Despite that it's not devoid of fun and check points mid mission keep it from getting to frustrating. Unless you get a checkpoint mid explosion when you'll constantly respawn with very little health.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

The "Complete" List

Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge
Quantum of Solace
House of the Dead: Overkill - Story & Directors Cut
Fable 2 - Story Mode
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot - (Liquid Easy)

I'm rather ashamed it took me eleven months to get back to polishing this off. My main excuse would be that I must have missed the significance of the injection thingy. I had to check a 'Boss Battle' FAQ to see how to defeat 'Screaming Mantis'. Once I'd done that I was basically at the end of the game. At least gameplay wise. I guess there's no harm in spoilering this now because of the amount of time that's gone by but I'll still try and keep it too a minimum. Basically I think there was about two hours of further 'game' after defeating Mantis (A very funny tribute to the original PSone included) but most of it involved walking down a straight corridor and then pummeling the triangle button to make a very ill snake get to the 'main frame' thing. As you can probably tell once again I'm a bit hazy on all the plot details (Although I guess the eleven month break didn't help) but it was a genuinely effecting two hours despite the lack of interaction. I could feel my eyes prickling with emotion at certain points and I was pleased with how it tied up various elements (like the guy who kept soiling himself although the fried eggs are still a mystery I'll probably need Nish to solve for me).

So is it a masterpiece? Judged solely on it's own merits it probably is. Judged against the original PSone game? Not so much. It doesn't feel as much of a retread as Sons of Liberty did. I didn't mind the cut scenes either. Some of them where breath taking. But it's just not quite as good a game. So a flawed masterpiece. It's a pity we'll probably never see it's like again. Such self indulgence, such self reference, such genius... In an industry where shifting units now appears to be the be all end all it's a rare thing indeed.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Pet Shop Boys - Yes

The signs all boded well for a great new album. With 'Love Etc.' they'd come back with possibly the best single since 'West End Girls', the album has an iconic white cover just like the early stuff, It's got a nice compact eleven tracks and they'd been working with the production team behind some of Girls Alouds biggest tracks, Xenomania.

I've been a Pets fan since forever (In fact Please was one of the first albums I ever bought in a three for the price of one deal from the Britannia Music Club fact fans!) and let's be honest. They've never made a bad album. Some however are obviously better than others. While their last album Fundemental was widely regarded as a return to form it had a few too many slow tracks for my liking.

Yes kicks off brilliantly with 'Love Etc.'. It's a huge single with a cracking melody and chorus. It sounds utterly unlike anything they've done before but is conversely sounds instantly Pet Shop Boys.

After that it romps along with high energy pop numbers, particular highlights including, 'Vunerable' and 'More than a Dream'. The 'Boys barely put a foot wrong. The slow ballad 'King of Rome' is a nice change of tempo and remembers to include a tune you could whistle.

For me it's one track too long as the track 'Building a Wall' has a great start but then goes nowhere. Unlike similar Pets 'songs with a message' (See also: 'Integeral' or 'The Theatre') the message is strangely unclear. It also contains a cringe worthy 'Who do you think you are, Captain Britain?' spoken line from Chris Lowe. I'm guessing it's supposed to somehow hint at Neil Tennants previous life as a Comic (sorry I don't know whether it was Marvel or DC) editor but it sounds awful. Nothing like the iconic contribution he makes to the track 'Paninaro' ('I dont like country & western. I dont like rock music. Ehm, I dont like, I dont like rockabilly, rocknroll in particular, I dont like much, really, do i? [laugh] But what I do like, I love passionately).

Other than that though it's a thoroughly satifsying album. It's their best since Very which it fittingly reminds me of because it sounds so very Pet Shop Boys. There can be no higher praise than that.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

The "Complete" List

Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge
Quantum of Solace
House of the Dead: Overkill - Story & Directors Cut
Fable 2 - Story Mode

It's quite an effecting ending. No spoilers here for those that might want to play but the run up to the end is well down and quite powerfully portrayed. There was a nice bit where I realized that I didn't have to listen to the baddies final speech and could just blow him away and one of the NPCs commented that "at last he'd shut up".

Nicely it leaves the world open for you to polish up the side quests.. Maybe one day I'll return to Albion for another play through but totally evil.. We'll see. Seeing as I'm now free to buy a new game I may just do that.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Currently Playing: Fable 2

I've put several hours into Fable 2 but I've been debating what to write on here about it for ages. The difficulty comes from the fact that I'm enjoying it but at the same time I'm not sure I'm really 'getting' it.

On the one hand it's a lovely looking world and it's fun to explore the towns and the shops looking for proprties to buy and trading goods to kit your hero out. On the other there's not a lot, in my opinion, to actually do.

The main quest involves trying to recruit some people to stop some evil dude (I haven't really been paying a lot of attention to the chatter as you can probably tell), But to do this you mainly walk along following the handy glowing trail. Which I like. The main thrust of the tasks though is always combat. Even in the dungeons it's one battle after another. There's no Zelda like puzzles or exploration really required. Having said that the combat is mostly fun. The inventory handily shows you which of your equipment is the best too.

There's plenty of side quests although most of these involve combat too. One side quest did have me revenge a ghost of a jilted lover by finding the man in question and having her fall in love with me. The interaction is achieved by picking various displays from a wheel of choices. For instance blowing kisses or giving the thumbs up. It's not a particularly elegant solution. Although I do like the little stat numbers that pop above all the NPCs to show how they've reacted. Pull at your gun or sword in town and it scares everyone. As in Fallout 3 you can behave either good or bad and you characters reputation is affected accordingly.

There's plenty of depth to the world of Albion too. It feels very organic. I bought a house and married a local woman (It's a fine lesbian wedding as I'm playing as a woman) then got annoyed when she followed me every where.. So I shot her. Which was fine. Until a local guard tried to arrest me and so I shot him too. Sadly they didn't turn a blind eye so I left town killing a number of guards along the way. On my return sometime later I was promptly arrested and forced to do community service (Although, surprise surprise, this inovled walking somewhere and then killing stuff).

The combat is solid and as you earn experience you can learn new moves, I've upgraded my range abilities cos I like to keep my hands clean as much as possible. Oh and I should mention the dog shouldn't I? I never found the dog in Fallout 3 but this dog (I've called him PS3) is your constant companion helpfully pointing out hidden treasures and barking happily.

I should also mention the lack of frustration. If you die you come straight back to life (You do lose some experience but a miniscule amount). You receive a permanent scar but other than that no problem.

By all accounts it outta be the perfect RPG for me.. But still I don't feel like I'm getting the most out of it.. Perhaps I should experiment some more. The lack of a decent map makes this difficult though. I can't even find a couple of the properties I've bought.

Still overall it's probably going to hold my attention long enough to push on to completion of the main quest at least.