Friday, 7 September 2007


Ok so I've totally turned into a PH style word play-meister...

Anyway I've been playing Colin McRae DiRT for a while now and steadily working my way through the various game modes.. I've owned every Colin game since the original but this is the first one I've really drawn every drop of gaming blood from.. Mainly for the achievements. I know they're shallow and indeed worthless but somehow in my quest to get as many as I can it doesn't matter.. Own all the cars? sure I'll do that. Drive 500 miles? no problemo.. Drive a clean event on Live? Due to the fact that you have to finish within 30 seconds of the leader that's a bit tougher.. Win an event? Priceless.

Tonight, after much trying (there are some people who really need to get out more) I eventually won a Live event.. A sweet feeling in itself.. But so much sweeter when accompanied by the little green boxy thing flashing up to tell you you've been awarded 20 gamer points.. or is that just me?


Nish said...

As you know I'm not bothered about Achievements in the slightest.

I like the comic ones, but Achievements will always come as a surprise to me: I never see what's listed and try to snag them.

As for your own addiction at least you haven't got to the stage of buying and excusing shit games just for the sake of securing Achievements. It's surprising how common this condition has become.

Bobsticle said...

I hope to never want to play something for the sake of achievements..

It's more that I'll try my best to finish something and thus get more value out of it to earn achievements and that it nicely compliments the actual achievement of doing something.