Sunday, 10 February 2008

What's on the Box(set)?

Having now exhausted seasons of 24 to watch (no mention on here of seasons 5 or 6 cos they simply weren't as good as season 4) and I was in search of something new to watch.

Rescue Me stars Denis Leary as New York fireman and his team mates after 9/11. It was co-created by Leary himself His character Tommy Gavin is a straight talking new yorker (there's a lot of Leary himself in there). He's the kind of flawed hero that american TV does so well. He's divorced and a struggling alcoholic but you can't help warming to him.

It also has a great title sequence and a with The Von Bondies banging out c'mon c'mon it's off to an excellent start. The action focuses mainly on Tommy as he's haunted by the victims he couldn't save and the colleagues he lost on 9/11. There's a strong ensemble cast and although the season is short at just 12 episdoes it cracks along. There's some fire fighting action but mostly it deals with relationships. Anyone whose familiar with Leary's stand up will also recognise the dark humour it's shot through with.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't recommend it highly enough.

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