Tuesday, 11 March 2008

So Near, Yet So Far

Also known as the reverse 'Complete' List. A new list of games in which I will admit to having given up on them. I'll try and say how far I got and how why I gave up too.. Let's face it the failures are going to make for more regular posting.

Ratchet & Clank: ToD - Got as far as the very last boss. I hate boss battles. So I had a couple of bashes at it. Read a FAQ and promptly gave up intending to have another go when I was less 'fatigued'. I may have another run through the game now. And I'd probably call this a completion (but I'd only be cheating myself).

Assassin's Creed Got as far as the very last assignment that turns out to amplify all the things I'd found frustrating into a game breaking mess of a final level. Again I intended to go back to it when 'fresh' but ... As much as I wanted to like the game it was repetitive, dull and frequently annoying and the lure of those achievement points for finishing off an again all but completed game isn't enough for me. Not one I'll be having another go at.

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