Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Currently Playing: SEGA Rally

I seemed to remember finding this really hard when I bought it and hence I'd given up with it fairly early on.. Which is unusual for me and a driving game.

Some one over at the EDGE Forum suggested having a few races on multiplayer, and as Live is always more fun with people you know, I dusted off my copy.

It is good fun on Live.. but it inspired me to dedicate a bit more time to the single player.. It seemed to click with me and I got it. Despite the licensed cars it's a pure arcade racer in the mould of say Ridge Racer or maybe even Wipeout.

The challenge isn't really the AI cars, although you still need to beat them to get the points needed to progress (and you don't seem to have to win absolutely everything to make reasonable progress) but it's the track that needs to be tamed.

There's a lot of satisfaction as practising each course and shows gradual improvement. The races where the AI previously showed you a clean pair of heels and you could barely keep up suddenly see you winning as you get the right lines and maintain speed through the corners in a glorious slide, mud spraying.

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