Sunday, 7 February 2010

Unfinished / Sympathy?

Inspired by Nish and his interesting and entertaining lists of games he's finished each year regular readers will know that I've become somewhat obsessed with a tally of my own yearly finishings.. Last year was somewhat inspired with a lot of games finished and a lot of old games dragged off the shelf and polished off to add to the tally... However recently I feel my enthusiasm for finishing games may have began to wane again...

Let me explain. I've been a game for over 25 years ago since interactive experience required me to press the space key on my ZX81 to drop a single 'Bomb' per pass of the screen on a 'Building' in the hope that you'd flatten all the buildings before you crashed into one in a kind of.. taliban simulator. In all those years I've mainly played until I was bored or frustrated and then moved on. Of course that has meant some games (Hello F1 2000 and Gran Turismo 2) that I've spend countless hours on without fear of 'achievements' or 'completion' just for the fun of playing.

At the moment I'm very close to finishing Darksiders which has already over stayed it's welcome. I'm about 3/4 of the way through Dragons Quest V on my DS. I'm two missions from the end of inFamous
. I'm on the last mission of Just Cause and the last boss battle of Ninja Blade. I've made a good deal of progress on Bayonetta and if we include downloadable games I'm very near the end of CoD: Classic and I need to collect a few more jewels to unlock the last boss battle on Pixel Junk: Shooter.

So should I crack on and try and finish these games up? Or should I admit that there's not enough time in the day and there's other games to play? Is the list that important? You decide.


Geoff said...

I have plenty of games that have fallen by the wayside and with the spectacular games already queueing up for me still to buy I think it's always possible to go back to a nearly finished game if we ever hit a game drought later in the year.
I haven't picked up Mass Effect 2 but from what I have seen it looks like it could easily suck up much more time than the original. Bioshock 2 due on Wednesday could win out as I expect I can fit the levels into manageable periods of time and I have friends suggesting that Alien vs Predator is the next big game to get involved in multiplayer and leave the glitch laden MW2 behind for a while.

I think you have more to worry you as you are more likely to trade in a game you aren't playing and would then have to re-purchase it to finally get your completion.

It wouldn't do you any harm to play the games you enjoy, concentrating on quality over quantity. You don't want to become Wolfie now do you ;-)

Nish said...

I'd say that you're looking at this the wrong way, Bob.

From what I've noticed all the games you're struggling on are single player-only whereas all the games you've enjoyed recently, e.g. L4D2, are multiplayer.

Even the games that are predominantly single player you whizzed through in co-op, e.g. Halo 3.

Whether or not the games are easier or more fun with someone else onboard I'd say you've now become accustomed to having a companion.

I'm the complete opposite.

Getting back to the list...I'd echo Geoff. It's often derided as being simplistic or too Nintendo but I think games should be fun. This goes for clothing your avatar in a make-believe town or slaughtering terrorists with ridiculously over-powered ordnance. If you're not having fun then you should stop and start on something that is.