Wednesday, 14 July 2010

The "Complete" List

Left 4 Dead 2 - (All Campaigns)
Mass Effect
Lego Rock Band - Story Mode
Darksiders - Easy
BAYONETTA - Easy Automatic
Lego Batman
Call of Duty: Classic - Normal
Fracture - Casual
Dragon Quest: The Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Heavy Rain - Medium
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Normal
Yakuza 3 - Easy
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box
Mass Effect 2 - Normal
Peggle: Dual Shot - DS
Splinter Cell: Conviction - Realistic & Co-op - Realistic
Dead Space - Easy - 360
Alan Wake - Normal
Split/Second - Career
Blur - Career/Level 50 Multiplayer
Red Dead Redemption
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle - Sweet
Everybody's Golf 2 - PSP

I've been playing Everybody's Golf games since the very first one on PSone. The title is somewhat misleading though. Sure enough the games are very inclusive and easy enough to learn without really having to have much of a grip of real golf. But the combination of some killer courses later in the games, The steady increase in the amount of buttons you'll have to press to pull of the kind of shots required at the higher level and some very fine golf by your AI challengers means it can get very tough towards the end.

After struggling with the platinum run of events for quite some time ( A combination of my general rubbishness, The brutal courses and wind and somewhat incosistant ball physics IMO) the game took pity on me and introduced an 'EASY' level pretty soon after picking it up again for another bash... It turns out it's still fairly challenging (the events with special rules i.e. +2 for bunkers or +2 for rough could see my score for 9 holes come in at +20).

I eventually managed to win enough cards across a combination of events to challenge the final boss character and despite some riduclously good shots from him (combined with a fair amount of rubbish ones it has to be said in comparison to EG:World Tour where the last but one character nails every shot) I managed to beat him on the second time of asking and, for the first time ever, saw the credits roll on an Everybody's Golf game.

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