Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Not Currently Playing: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

It happens fairly regularly in this hobby of ours. You've been watching a big title for months, reading previews and such like (I subscribe to OPM and EDGE. Read 360 when ever they feature one of my musings in their magazine and follow a variety of websites on a daily basis) and then the reviews drop and it's inevitably a disappointment.. but there's always the thought in the back of your mind that after all that potential can it really be that bad?

I came across a copy of Kane & Lynch: Dead Men for £3 minus cover and green box but complete with manual and disc so how bad can it really be?

Well the answer has to be fairly bad. It's core shooting mechanic isn't that great. You often feel like you can't shoot guys until the game wants you to even if you've got them plumb in your sights. They hide in cover too with bits sticking out but you can't hit them and then to make matters worse they switch through 180 degrees when you line up a shot. The cover system doesn't work too well and it's just generally frustrating.

To make matters worse you can see the potential the game has. The characters are interesting and about a third of the way in (after a dreadful nightclub mission) it turns into a kind of Michael Mann style caper heist that despite the aforementioned complaints is still enjoyable. Despite the lack of online co-op.

And then? Then it all goes horribly wrong with a mission that makes you wonder whether it was ever play tested. I got so frustrated with it I removed the disc from the machine and snapped it in half and threw it in the bin never to darken my console again. It seemed better than braking anything that cost me more than £3.


Nish said...

What level defeated you? Looking through my write-up for the game I didn't make any note of anything wildly frustrating.

Bobsticle said...

I probably should've had a deep breath, switched it off and gone and looked at a FAQ.

It was the bit in the Middle Easty type town square with the helicopter and waves of soldiers.

Nish said...

I can't even remember that bit, which doesn't say much for the game.