Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Currently Playing: Fallout - New Vegas.

Fresh from completing Enslaved on Normal difficulty and with a new found wealth of RPG experience I decided to man up and play this on Normal difficulty (rather than the easy mode that I seem to remember completing Fallout 3 on).

Suffice to say it's making for a far more challenging experience. I'm going through stimpacks like water. I've managed to get full on near death radiation sickness twice (Don't think I ever got it bad enough to warrant visiting a doctor in 3.) and weapons and armour break like they're sponsored by Primark.

Part of this might be due to it being simply a more hardcore game not just the difficulty. Also this time I've focused my levelling up on Speech, Lock Picking and Stealth rather than just full on attacking skills as before. I got fed up with not being able to open doors or unlock speech options during the campaign on Fallout 3.

Still despite the game's engine starting to creak a bit these games are all about the atmosphere and in this respect New Vegas delivers in spades. It's nice to be wandering the wastelands again.

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