Monday 20 October 2008

A look ahead to Quarter 4 - Part 3

So this is the third part.. Not quite so easy to title either.. It's the: "Ones I've registered an interest in but will only buy if they get a great review score andI get time Andthey're cheap"..

Far Cry 2

Sounds like an interesting concept.. Is weapons jamming and breaking going to be fun? So many FPS's so little time

Midnight Club: LA

It certainly looks very pretty and unlike GTA IV it has licensed cars. It's probably between this and...

Need for Speed: Undercover

Last years game was so rubbish even my casual mate (Whom I normally play EA's yearly offering with didn't want to bother) but having lifted it's plot from The Fast & The Furious this looks like something of a return to form.

James Bond: Quantum of Solace

Really looking forward to the film. Based on the CoD4 engine this could be pleasant enough distraction in a quiet spot spell next year.

Silent Hill: Homecoming

Is this going to pull of the magic? The signs aren't looking good. This can be summed up by 'Pyramid Head' turning up in it.

Motorstorm 2

Enjoyed the first game up to a point.. Later on in the game it just got to random to compete at the highest levels without teeth grinding frustration. Doesn't sound like much has changed this time around either.. This'll have to be cheap. Maybe even Platinum.

Resistance 2

Another PS3 exculsive that now has to work a whole lot harder for my gaming time now the novelty of PS3 ownership has worn off and I'm beginning to see the 360 dominate my gaming time.

1 comment:

Nish said...

Far Cry 2 turned up in the store games cupboard. Ready to buy albeit at a rather crap £50 price.