Monday, 3 December 2007

Currently Playing : Round Up

Another mixed weekend of gaming so another round up of what I've been playing to keep your all informed.

My 360 registered it's 50th day streak of continual play on Friday and it has indeed been a golden few months for M$ next gen hope... However with Assassin's Creed starting to dissappoint and annoy in equal measure now it's had its quietest weekend for a long while registering a big zero in play time for me.. Next stop PH's 360 offering mine advice on how to spend its down time.

The PS3 was the main beneficary of this as Rachet & Clank continues to be an absolute joy to play. It's also a pretty decent length. Reached the last boss last night after a two hour session and I didn't really have the patience for it so I'll try and polish it off tonight. Silent Hill 2 remained untouched this week but that may well change.

And so on the arrival of the Wii.. I set it up on Sunday afternoon. It eventually slotted in beside my Amp under the telly in it's up right position. The Sensor bar went on top of the Bravia and it's silver and black construction is an almost perfect match.

Having picked up Super Mario Galaxy I decided to try that first and leave the bundled Wii Sports for another day. I should also say that despite PH's recommendation of picking up a composite lead has been ignored for the moment. I'm using the bundled A/V connection as the only spare slot on the back of my TV is Scart one and so for convenience that'll do for now.

First impressions of the game where indeed favourable compared to my only other 3d Mario comparison SM Sunshine, Shaking the Remote to attack and smash is ok but so far I'm not finding it easy to move mario and pick up the starbits with remote. It does show a lot of promise though. I particularly enjoyed one level which was a glass cylinder with several floors.. the twist being that depending on the arrows on the core/wall the ceiling became the floor and vice versa. Very inventive. I reached the first bee level and had to call it a night. So far a cautious thumbs up for both game and Wii.

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