Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Why do my hands sweat so much...

... when playing my Wii.. I should point out that I'm not a particularly sweaty person. I'm fair skinned and I'm only playing Super Mario Galaxy so it's not like I'm putting huge amounts of effort in either.. And yet half an hour or so in my hands are sweating like nobodys business. It's made the shiny surface of the Wii-mote and nunchuck rather mucky too.. I don't get this problem with my other consoles..

On the subject of SMG nice to see EDGE print 3 fanboy letters regarding it in this months issue (184) all pretty much raving about how it's re-ignited their love of gaming. I mean obviously I expected it to clean up at the awards (funny how it even wins best audio the day after I complain I can't turn it off) . Not sure what's meant by 'rim lighting' either. My favourite letter is the one where the guy compliments it on the cartoon style trees.. Apparently realisticly rendered trees are just getting in the way of good gaming..

After the EDGE message board went mental after lasts months PS3 cover story (mainly suspecting bungs or pro PS3 bias from EDGE) it'll be interesting to see if anything is said about this months Ninty love in. I'm not holding my breath

1 comment:

Nish said...

It's not too surprising to see Edge go overboard with anything Nintendo let alone Mario. However, in this instance I feel that the mag is justified - SMG is pure joy in disc form.

The 'trees' issue is a little silly but then again what's always the problem with realistic imagery in games? I noticed this recently when I walked through a wonderfully rendered bush without resistance in Assassin's Creed.