Thursday, 13 August 2009

The " Complete" List

Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge - 360
Quantum of Solace - 360
House of the Dead: Overkill - Story & Directors Cut
Fable 2 - Story Mode
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot - (Liquid Easy)
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Saints Row
Race Pro - Career Mode
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Easy) - 360
Conan (Easy) - PS3
GTA IV - 360
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Manhunt 2
Prince of Persia
No More Heroes - Real Ending
GTA: Chinatown Wars

I really hated GTA on PSP. It pushed the machine to breaking point to try and bring the PS2 experience to the handheld and ended up pretty much unplayable.

For this brand new DS based story Rockstar have designed it from the ground up for Nintendos handheld machine. Out go flashy graphics, Cutscenes and endless UMD access. In comes a cracking top down cell shaded look that has a hint of 3D and looks brilliant. Cutscenes are replaced with comic style panels and witty dialogue.

They've managed to capture the very essence of what makes GTA fun and lost none of the scale. Liberty City is huge. Almost everything you'd want to do from it's bigger brother is possible. The driving and shooting are hugely fun. Even long journeys are entertaining with all the vehicles feeling different. There's a wide range of chunky weapons and a great lock-on system that nearly always picks the right target (well it wouldn't be GTA if it didn't occasionally leave you high and dry). Everything is run from your PDA with missions and purchases regularly being messaged to you.

There's also great use of the touch screen to do also sorts of fun stuff and plenty of variety in the missions too.

Barring a couple of difficulty spikes and the usual annoying lack of checkpoints the game is pretty much perfect for on the go fun. A great welcome back to the DS. Essential.

P.s. That's 18 titles completed and that matches last years total!

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