Monday, 24 August 2009

It ain't over until..

Here's a quick round up of games I still have too finish.

I've completed the last mission on Ninja Blade upto the last boss battle. It's a bit of tough one even compared to some of the earlier ones.. Plus with out saveable checkpoints the whole thing needs to be done in one sitting.. I still have hopes of completing this though because I really did enjoy the game.

I ground too a halt on Little Big Planet's story mode on the last but one world.. The five lives per checkpoint get a bit annoying on some of the tougher sections. On this particular bit there's a series of circles rotating within each other and I couldn't seem to time the jumps for the last section. I'm sure a bit of practice would see me through but I just don't have the patience at the moment.

FUEL's career mode is probably about half way completed.. My excuse here is that I've been obsessed with the Silent Hill boxset. I must really polish this one off before the glut of racing games arrive later in the year.

Assassin's Creed is also a last mission boss battle waiting too happen. I don't think there's any spoilers here by saying the last bit is a pitched battle and I got annoyed with it. However a friend on a forum has given me a few hints for completing it and with the sequel on it's way this is one game I should really polish off too.

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