But what of the game itself? As you'd imagine umpteen sequels and band editions later they've pretty much nailed the gameplay. There's an option to create your own character, use your Avatar, several defaults and the option to unlock several celebs (my personal favourite being the lovely Shirley Manson of Garbage fame.)
Of course once you're playing the pretty characters and graphics go out the window and all you can do is focus on the notes. I'm sure everyones familiar with the fret board style conveyor belt of notes. The game breaks you in quite gently with the option to just strum but obviously you'll soon want to start playing properly. At first even just the combination of playing three notes and strumming is terribly complex and you can only wonder how on earth you're going to be able to cope with anything else.. It's all about the practice.
You're fingers soon seem to take on a life of their own as the notes roll around you find yourself doing things you'd not of thought possible. I particularly liked playing 'Symphony for The Devil' as Richards signature guitar sounds come out of the speakers as you're hitting the notes does bring out the inner rock god.
What I wasn't expecting was how much fun it is as a party game. Two other players, even if they're all playing the guitar parts too, make for an awful lot more fun. They also help you if you 'fail' the song. They get the chance to get you back in the game rather than having to start again if you make a mess of it.
For my particular tastes the song selection is solid rather than spectacular although it does introduce to some songs that you find out you like that you didn't know. I guess it's a question of my age that the focus on newer stuff is not really my thing.. where's the Pink Floyd edition?
It hasn't been ruled out
Sadly since drumming for Roger Waters Nick doesn't have much say in the band anymore Geoff.
You'd need to get Gilmour and Waters on board presumably.
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