I started with The Ballad of Gay Tony because I'd heard it been trumpted as a return to San Andreas (my personal favourite GTA) levels of excess..
Now I've no idea whether it's being spoiled by the controls and silky smooth gameplay of Uncharted 2 and Batman:AA or whether GTA IV has aged in dog years but going back now it feels horribly clunky and verging on the broken. I honestly don't know how I had the patience to complete GTA IV.
Rockstar have at least put checkpoints in which eases some of the frustration but in typical Rockstar form they've done it their own way. Having stolen an attack helicopter early on in the game I'm then tasked with blowing the yaught it was stolen from up.. Of course the guns fire forward and the rockets have a life of their own and there's no sight or recticle to show you where they're going to land.. Suffice to say I crashed into the see several times trying to bring my guns to bear on the yaught because you end up flying straight towards the sea...
No problem there's a checkpoint.. but instead of just throwing you straight back into the action it has to put you outside the hospital where you get a text allowing you to access the checkpoint. Which would be fine if it wasn't for the player character immedeately trying to phone someone. You just want to get back into the action and have another go but you can't. The whole thing, to my eyes at least, is starting to groan under the weight of what Rockstar are trying to achieve.
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