Dig deeper though and where BAYONETTA is like a fine souffle Darksiders is a bit more like a substantial gaming pie (if you'll excuse the laboured metaphor). Just as nice in it's own way but there's a lot more too it.
One of the fun things is spotting the homages (or down right stolen ideas) from other games. Obviously there's a huge dollop of God of War even down to breaking open chests that fill up you're health, magic and spending points. They've borrowed the dungeons from Zelda where huge levels full of puzzles and locked doors need to be completed with a new power/item before facing off against a boss and then unlocking new areas with said power/item. You even get an extra health bar.
Dig deeper and you've got the throwing star from darkSector, the claw glove for sliding down surfaces from the last Prince of Persia there's the opening section where you're fully powered before being stripped of everything that apes Castlevania and more besides..
However it pulls it altogther. The combat is meaty and fun. The exploration and level design keeps you wanting to see whats next and the dungeons are pitched (for me at least) just the right side of frustration where I keep getting genuine eureka moments when I finally work out the solution to a puzzle or how to take down a boss.
My only complaint is perhaps the UI is a little busy (the pause/stat screen has four seperate screens showing items and abilities and weapons) and the pad is crammed a little full. Every button apart from pushing down the left stick is used, and sometimes for multiple things. It regularly asks you to press up to three buttons and sticks at a time as well as swapping between multiple items of equipment.
Overall though it's a very good game.
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