Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Great Expectations - 2010 Special

Thanks to the Modern Warfare 2 effect the next few months are a 'bit packed' with big name titles so I thought I'd have a quick look ahead to what I'm excited about.

Mass Effect 2

A bit of unlikely first choice for me. Also the first game I've pre-ordered in absolutely ages. (Shopto.net by recorded delivery to work address). If, as they claim, they tightened up the shooting then more of the same in pretty much every other area will do me just fine. I'm excited at the prospect of being able to spend a lot more time in the universe this time.

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Another game whose prequel I came to late in it's life and not expecting much from that I absolutely loved. I'm not sure what to make of the sequel dropping the open city. It wasn't great in the first game, being a bit quiet and dull, but I liked riding around on the massive bike. Having said that they seem to have turned up the bonkersness to 11 for the sequel and I'm looking forward to making Jeane lean almost as much as cutting a swathe through dozens of henchman with my beam katana on the way to another set of outstandingly crazy boss battles.

Heavy Rain

PS3 really does seem to have the strongest list of exclusives for the early part of the year. The game certainly looks amazing. I'm intrigued with David Cage's attempt to tell a weighty, emotional and mature story via the medium of video games. I've no idea how it'll actually play (Despite Cage's claims to the contrary the nay sayers claims of a Dragons Lair QTE fest do worry me) but I'll certainly throw my £40 at him in the name of innovation.

God of War 3

There's been a lot of plagarism and pretenders to Kratos's throne since he's been gone but I've every hope that this will raise the bar, on what's become it's own little genre, and show Dante's Inferno and the rest how it's really done.

Just Cause 2

The first game seemed to be begging for a sequel to realise it's full potential and everything I've read about this makes it sound like this is going to be an absolute riot to play.

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