Thursday, 1 April 2010

Purchase Power.

For once I have a happy GAME buying experience. Picked up God of War 3 from the shelf and at the counter was offered a pre-owned, but still shrink wrapped, as new copy for £35. Combined with the, what I thought was very high, £25 for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 in p/x I parted with just £10.

Of course she did have to ask me if I wanted to buy any PSN points and tell me that I could trade it in when done.. but you can't have everything.


Nish said...

Same deal as I got except a) I was in Gamestation b) I traded-in Heavy Rain c) I was asked if I wanted a GoW strategy guide.

At least the offer made to me made sense in relation to the game.

Bobsticle said...

Ah yes but I win due to the second hand but new factor!