Friday, 30 April 2010

Purchase Power

Well it's that time of year again when I get a bank holiday without the Mrs.. so I'm planning another 24 hour gaming marathon.. Lord only knows that when I turn 40 I'm not going to be able to do it anymore.

Looking back at last years thread I didn't appear to enjoy it an awful lot. All I seem to do is complain about various parts of myself hurting.. I do vaguely remember a euphoric sense of achievement (although that might just be wishful thinking or the Stella I had afterwards) so this time I'm going to try and look on the bright side.

Anyway with that in mind I thought I'd take a trip to game and pick up another batch of cheap games that I've over looked with which to entertain myself. So I picked up...

Dead Space: Extraction - £12.99
Dead Space - £9.99
Mercenaries 2 - £7.98
Virtua Tennis 3 - £4.99

The girl in GAME asked if I was a fan of Dead Space. Of course having not played either yet I'm not yet sure. I did seem to make her day though by pre-ordering the Limited Edition of Alan Wake. The one time she didn't ask me if I wanted to pre-order anything.

You'll be able to keep track of my progress via either Facebook or indeed the above link to the 360 forum.

1 comment:

Nish said...

Dead Space is enjoyable with kick-ass audio - surround sound is damn near essential.

I've had Extraction for a while now but not got around to playing it. I've a couple of shooting games for Wii to hand atm, and I'm leaning to having another go at RE:UC because I picked up the sequel cheaply.