Friday 21 December 2007

Currently Playing : Quick Round Up.

A quick update on the games I have on the go at the minute.

Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction

I'm basically at the last boss and it just needs polishing off and adding to the list.. Probably followed by another play through trying to hoover up all the gold bots and plan pieces.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

Hit the last level (22 for those that want to know) only to find it's bastarding hard as nails even on easy and lacks a decent checkpoint.. Put to one side for the moment.

Assassin's Creed

I've done 7 of the nine assasinations and about 3/4 of the side quests.. It's a very frustrating game to play. Compounded by the 8th assassination being based in the harbour. Which has a number of walkways, some boats and some poles sticking out of the water. One wrong move and you're in the drink. Guess what? Altair can't swim. Very annoying. I'll probably try and battle through to the end having spent as much time as I have already on it.. But it's not fun.

Super Mario Galaxy

I now need 19 stars to provide enough power to get to the centre of the universe (or some such). It's like the Anti-sassin Creed. Can't say I'm putting in massive sessions a la the EDGE fan boys but it's fun to switch on, collect a couple of stars, and switch off again.


Geoff said...

Got Assassin's Creed for Xmas. Shame that 8th assassination seems to have stopped you. I got upto that far and after falling off those poles a couple of times the actual assassination didn't go near it. Just have to do the final one in Jerusalem now. The free running looks great and I really enjoyed it, It's just not suited to that platforming in the docks. The lack of variety in the information gathering missions lets it down a little but I'm sure hunting all flags and templars will keep me occupied like those damn golden skulltulas in Zelda and the Crackdown Orbs.

Bobsticle said...

I'll probably have another crack at it Geoff.. It'd be a shame to not finish the actual main story. I wont be gather the flags though. Not half as fun as the Orbs in Crackdown which at least boosted your stats.