Saturday 3 October 2009

Currently Playing: Ninja Gaiden 2: Sigma Demo

Downloaded the demo last night. I still don't understand why the PSN seems so much slower than X-Box Live. Especially when it's sharing the same broadband. However I left it on while I went out and happily it was done when I got in and had switched itself off.. I was too drunk to manage it.

Had a go this morning. With the speech in Japanese and the English subtitles on so I could follow the story. It certainly looks very nice. There is a stark sort of empty feel to the levels as the reviews have mentioned but still it's impressive.

But man is it hard. The bad guys pile in and start whittling your health bar down, seemingly before you can do anything.. Presumably I need to learn some tactics and I need to learn them quick. Then I couldn't work out where I was supposed to go.. I'm not sure whether the demo just finished or if I'm just stupid. I can see the full game testing my patience (and Sixaxis) to breaking point..

Still I tempted to go buy it.. I shouldn't really because there's so much on the horizon..

1 comment:

Nish said...

In comparison to the X360 game Sigma 2 is stupidly easy; I can see what EDGE was going on about.

It's a tough call really. From what I've played (arrived today) I can safely say from a difficulty point of view that this game is the best introduction to Ninja Gaiden. The way it hangs together isn't as good as the original though.