Friday 5 October 2007

Currently Playing : Halo 3

I realise that after my initial enthusiasm for blogging I've been rather quiet of late.

So I'm going to start with finishing the fight. Got stuck into the campaign and I'm on level 7
out of 9. I've got to be honest it's good not great. It's exciting getting stuck into the battle
and it certainly looks very nice in all it's 360 powered glory (apart from when you're travelling fast on a vehicle when you can see the detail getting rendered in) but for me inevitably the third part of a trilogy needs to pull something special out of the bag and so far this hasn't. It adds some
nice new weapons and vehicles and is similar to the first game in the type of levels but the story
sucks. Having missed much of the 2nd part due to it being shit it doesn't make a lot of sense
and to be fair you mostly want to skip the cut scenes and get back into the action. It has it's moments though.

My main complaint is the crap AI of your supposed team mates. Mostly when driving. A couple of examples. One guy whose Mongoose I got on the back of seemed content to drive up and down the same stretch of beach. Another time, after a particularly well executed piece of dramatic batteling by me it should be noted, I leapt into a Warthog gunner to continue the fight only to find my team mate drove us into some wreckage and we got shot to shit before I could get out. Most annoying.

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