Saturday 5 January 2008

360 Health Watch

Hopefully this wont be a regular feature of my blog but I shall be posting updates as when they occur. For those who don't know I recently bought my third 360. (The first one got the ring of death and was replaced under warranty. The replacement one lasted less time than the first one and I couldn't be bothered to send it back)

The first symptom I've experienced with the new one was when switching to the 'Dashboard' when playing Assassin's Creed. As the disc stopped spinning it came to a halt with a sharp grinding noise. It's only this one game. However I have experienced a slight increase in noise with other games when the disc starts or stops spinning.

Last night when I tried to play Sega Rally I got the amusing "To play this 360 game it must be placed in a 360 video games console". Presumably this message is meant to activate when a 360 disc is played in a DVD player but how a 360 can forget what it is is beyond me.. With the first machine it was the precusor to more trouble .

1 comment:

Nish said...

That's bad news, Bob.

I've played my machine more in the last five days than I have in the last five months. I hope it doesn't blow before I finish the two games I have.