Wednesday 6 May 2009

The "Complete" List

Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge - 360
Quantum of Solace - 360
House of the Dead: Overkill - Story & Directors Cut
Fable 2 - Story Mode
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot - (Liquid Easy)
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Saints Row
Race Pro - Career Mode
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Easy) - 360
Conan (Easy) - PS3

This came very close to not being completed.. There's some very cheap enemies and instant death drops in the last bit.. But I soldiered on through.. Only to come across the most needlessly long winded and cheap boss battle that I can remember. It took nearly an hour and a half to finish.. What made it really hard was a combination of one section where it was very easy to get swamped by tar men and whacked by tentacles in one life draining section while you where trying to complete a button mashing QTE followed by a second section that require a very intricate QTE where the buttons required changed through a cycle of the 3 different cycles.. Most annoying.. Finally did it though and I'm quite pleased with myself. It'll be going on eBay though cos there's zero replay incentive.

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