Tuesday 5 May 2009

Currently Playing 24 hour round up.

Clive Barkers Jericho.

Sometimes you read bad reviews for games and you wonder.. Can it really be that bad? I'm a huge Clive Barker fan. His novels feature an amazing invention and imagination. How bad could the game really be? It turns out pretty bad. The combat itself is a bit rubbish. The enemies soak up far too many bullets and they seem to have way more range than you do meaning that you're getting shot before you can get a hit in. Then there's your AI buddies. All six of them. They are useless. I was playing on 'Easy' and still they kept dying. Meaning I had to keep dashing around bringing them back to life all the time getting over whelmed by bad guys. Their special powers are a bit rubbish as well and not that clearly introduced.. One guy has some kind of fire shield but still got killed really easily and couldn't seem to attack while he was using his ineffectual shield either.. It's very linear too. Disappointing.


I started this in the early afternoon when I'd been going for sometime without the end seeming to get any closer.. But what a laugh it is. It's basically a clone of God of War,. Sadly Conan doesn't have Kratos's chained weapons so his range is a lot shorter and it also suffers a little from the Heavnely Sword problem of having far too many enemies that block.. I don't want to keep having my attacks blocked.. I want to cut a swathe through them. However it doesn't take itself too seriously. It's a lot of fun and there's plenty to hack and slash and some reasonable exploration and puzzles along the way. Even the boss battles where enjoyable and I normally hate those.

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

On the one hand it's the worst kind of derivitive licensed tat with a "me-too" complex. The drop in drop out co-op is fine but the randoms that played with me where virtually indistinguishable from the AI. It has a Gears of War cover system but, on Easy and Normal, at least it didn't seem to matter whether you used it. There's a 'bullet time' system which you can happily ignore most of time. I don't like Fiddys particular brand of gangsta rap anymore so I had that turned off too. It copies The Clubs score system but the money/score seems to rack up like a fruit machine regardless...

Like 50 cent? You are 50 cent? Hate 50 cent? It doesn't matter. Something will appeal. You can laugh at him, admire him or think "fuck I'm da man in da club".

Yet it's reasonably entertaining blowing things away and swearing like a trooper the whole time..

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