Thursday 2 July 2009

First Look: Prince of Persia

Minus £2.50 of Reward credit I got this for £10.50 second hand in GAME yesterday. Intial impressions are that it's an improvement on The Two Thrones and Emo Within but nowhere near as good as Sands of Time which, it sadly seems, we'll never see the like of again from Ubisoft.

These are the things I like:
It's pretty
It's very forgiving for Mr Easy writing this Blog
The Prince himself (much has been made of his annoying accent and personality.. Perhaps too much. He seemed quite funny to me)

Things I don't like:
The over simplified controls.. All the flair of covering the levels in Sands of Time has been lost. It's like they've taken a leaf out of Altairs book. No surprise what with it being the same engine I believe. But when I'm bemoaning the lack of challenge it's a bad thing.
The combat.
The Princess.
The annoying bits where you have too run between green nodes with no checkpoints..

Overall though I enjoyed my first session last night.


Nish said...

I didn't mind the Prince either but the trouble is that he's Nathan Drake too.

Bobsticle said...

You'd think I'd of got that having only just completed Uncharted again.

I think it's my habit of playing music through the hi-fi while playing the game with the subtitles switched on.

Nish said...

Is the version you bought the one with the Epilogue?

Bobsticle said...

How would I tell Nish? I'm guessing not though..