Tuesday 24 February 2009

The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was one of my favourite thrillers of last year so I've been eargely awaiting the sequel. So much so that I made one of my now rare hardback purchases.

The new novel picks up a year after events ended in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and basically carrys directly on. However where the first novel was framed firmly within an overall whodunnit (all be it spiced up on the detection front by the large amount of time that had elapsed between the crime and the events in the novel) the new book, at least in the first half, lacks direction. It's like a procession of events.. Chunks of which aren't really connected to the main thrust of the narritive.

However the characters that Larsson has created are still interesting and I enjoyed spending time in their company. Fortunately the novel picks up about halfway through and then romps through to a thrilling climax once again leaving me highly anticipating the third book in the Millenium trilogy.

On a side note the translation from the native swedish is one of the best I've read.

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