Monday 5 January 2009

The "Complete" List 2009

So a brand new year, A brand new list.

Resistance 2

First scalp of the year. It's very linear. Very old school and somehow a bit of a let down. As Insomniacs third PS3 outing I was expecting something jaw dropping. Something like Ratchet & Clank. What I got was more of the same really. Some dull boss fights and some annoying difficulty spikes.

What there's most of is annoying design decisions. Gone is carrying the huge arsenal of weapons in favour of a Halo style limit letting you to carry just two weapons. Which is dull. Most weapons spawn where you might need them but it stops you from experimenting with weapons and combat ... or even carrying a favourite. Next is the health system. The first game had four health sections each section would recharge in cover but you'd have to collect health packs to replace lost sections. That's been replaced by a Call of Duty style reddening of the screen when you're getting hit. Rubbish.

There's also a host of annoying enemies (Yes I know they're the bad guys and they're not supposed to be likeable). There's a 'Flood' like zombie sort that charge straight at you (even when you're in a squad they mostly home in on you) in huge numbers. It's not fun. There's a sort of invisible monster that doesn't appear until it's very close and charges straight at you. Most of the old bad guys reappear and they're fun.. There's some huge mofo's as well and, mostly, they're fun (as long as you find the hand heavy ordinance that will have been left conveniently about.. ). Other wise the combat is mostly as solid and fun as before. OH and there's no annoying vehicle section.

Story wise it's more of the same with a bit of globe trotting thrown in for fun. It's thoroughly average. Although not devoid of entertainment.

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