Tuesday 13 January 2009

Round up of the Year - Part 3.

So here it is.. the big one. Apologies for being so late. I was trying to spend as much time with the big hitters as I could before making my judgement. I've managed to polish off a couple as you can see below and I've been trying to work up enthusiasm to play Little Big Planet. But at the moment I can't. Which probably says it's not going to be my GOTY.

So what is. Well not GTA IV. It's a good game but for me hasn't moved on enough. It's still basically the same game we've been playing since three and where were all the exciting missions?

Saints Row 2 was the surprise of the year and almost clinched it. Yes the production values are a lot lower than GTA IV but it's far more fun. There's checkpoints, there's recharging health, there's full co-op play. Almost everything is big dumb fun from start to finish.. But it's a little derivative and the gang/bling culture thing is a little off putting (Although you can pretty much ignore it).

For me the game that I enjoyed the most and sucked me into an awesome world of possibilty and depth was Fallout 3. I've already written plenty about it so I wont repeat myself here. Suffice to say it's an awesome achievement.

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