Sunday 11 January 2009

The "Complete" List

Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge

There's a lot of talk over on the Edge Forum as to whether they where to harsh on this in the magazine when they gave it a 5. Especially after all the pre-release coverage they gave it.

For me it's a game of two halves. I love the character design and the pure clean look when you're out on the roof and there's no question that it's a great leap in First Person gaming to have a sense of physicality in the world rather than being a floating gun.

On the other hand there's some brutal old school gaming mechanics in play.. No doubt it's designed with replay in mind but there's probably too much trial and error for my liking (fortunately, mostly, the checkpoints are well spaced and the game restarts quickly). I probably made it a tiny bit harder on myself by completing it without shooting a single enemy (for the achievement!).

Overall I enjoyed it but I was glad when it was over too.

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