Wednesday 21 November 2007

Currently Watching: House Season 3

After what seemed like the longest wait for the boxset to be released Season Three of House M.D. has been purchased, and indeed, watched by me.

Three seasons in and Dr Greg House, played by that greatest living English man Hugh Laurie, continues to be not only one of the greatest TV doctors but possibly one of the greatest TV characters of modern times.

After a slowish start dealing with the cliff hanging ending of Season Two it's soon business as usual with House taking on and curing the cases no one else can. However in this season, more so even than two, the cases are less important this time around than the relationships House has with Cuddy, Wilson and the rest of the gang. It's compelling viewing. As with all good TV it engages the mind and the emotion.

My only complaints where the slightly downbeat run to the end of the season of the last couple of episodes compared to the drama at the end of Season two and the subplot involving a Police Detective with a vendetta against House showed house caving in three of four times which didn't really sit well. I wanted House to come out on top through his superior skills.

Still complusive viewing.

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